Wholistic Vibrant Health



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Check out our grand project

Check out our grand project:

Hua Nui



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What is Dis-Ease?

What is Dis-Ease?

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Shamiz Kachwalla tells why he joined the Vibrant Health & Wealth Academy

Shamiz Kachwalla tells why he joined the Vibrant Health & Wealth Academy after he conquered colitis – Part II




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Vibrant Health & Wealth Academy Student Clarissa Havelin Says

* The power of good books1 copy


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Shamiz Kachwalla tells why he joined the Vibrant Health & Wealth Academy

Shamiz Kachwalla of New Zealand tells how he overcame ulcerative colitis the natural way via Dr. David Klein’s Vegan Healing Diet Plan after his medical doctors nearly ruined him, and how that led him to enroll in Dr. Klein’s Vibrant Health & Wealth Academy.

WATCH VIDEO: https://youtu.be/KskGKyLS6Pg


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Thirty-one Years of Perfect Colon Health!

Thirty-one Years of Perfect Colon Health!

Thirty-one years ago this week, at age 26, after being on the natural dietary program I now call the “Vegan Healing Diet Plan” for four amazing weeks, my body accomplished what the seven medical doctors I had seen for my severe ulcerative colitis condition said was impossible; with the last MD having said that I needed to have my colon removed to prevent cancer, which would likely come in a few years, because I had been sick for eight years and my condition was steadily worsening.

What did my body do?

My body detoxified, nutrified and completely healed my colon! And I went on to fully rejuvenate, far exceeding any previous peak level of health I had experienced before!


Because I was introduced to the life science called “Natural Hygiene” (also called “Healthful Living” and “Vibrant Living”), and I put it into full practice and have maintained it ever since, with no drugs of any kind!

Thirty-one years of perfect colon health, and joy!

The man who introduced me to Natural Hygiene is Dr. Laurence Galant, a Doctor of Natural Hygiene. Laurence went through Dr. T. C. Fry’s Life Science doctoral program, which was founded on the principles of Natural Hygiene, which were laid out mainly by the great Dr. Herbert M. Shelton.

To this day, Laurence is my steadfast friend and vivacious co-conspirer in Vibrant Health. Here is a recent photo of Laurence, at age 71.

Does Laurence walk his talk? Is Laurence a living example of Hygienic Living? Does he continue to inspire me, his girlfriend and countless others? Did I find the golden needle in the haystack when I was sick and dying with ulcerative colitis 31 years ago, and seeking the way to reclaim my life, and be free of disease and the medical trap?

Oh, YES!

In gratitude, and with best healing wishes for humanity,

David Klein, Ph.D., Naturorthopathic Doctor
Director, Colitis & Crohn’s Health Recovery Center
Ph: 808-572-0861
Skype: drdaveklein


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Over One-Half of the World’s People Are Sick! Will You Join Us in Helping Them?



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Blood Clot Gone Via Natural Healing!

September, 2015

This year at age 49 I was diagnosed with a life-threatening blood clot in my leg, otherwise known as a deep vein thrombosis or DVT. Frankly it scared me quite a bit. When the clot was found, they rushed me to the emergency room for treatment and I wrote goodbye letters to my family, because it looked like this could be the end. Blood clots claim hundreds of thousands of lives per year. One person dies every six minutes from a blood clot in the United States. It is the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S.  Twenty percent die within the first month of diagnosis. Sudden death is the first symptom in 25% of those diagnosed with a DVT. The blood thinning medication the doctors put me on was also very dangerous (causing high instances internal bleeding, brain bleeds, stroke, etc.). I didn’t want to take it, but the doctors insisted that if I didn’t, the blood clot could get worse and/or I could develop other clots that would make the situation even more dangerous.

My uncle had worked with Dr. David Klein before and highly respected his work, so he referred me to him. I explained the situation to Dr. Klein and he customized a diet plan to facilitate the healing process. He asked me for very detailed information which I provided. Dr. Klein very patiently explained the importance of following his Vegan Healing Diet Plan of only fruits and vegetables with no fats, to keep my blood thin and to avoid energy-intensive digestive burdens which would interfere with the healing process. Against my five doctors’ orders, but consistent with my intuitive sense that the medication was dangerous in its own right, I decided to stop the medication. Other than the strict vegan diet, a hypnosis audio was the only thing I did to assist my body in the healing process. Dr. Klein checked in with me regularly and we tweaked the diet slightly to satisfy my taste preferences.

Fast forwarding to six weeks later, I just had my last Doppler test (a sonogram that monitors and visualizes blood clots). Much to the doctors’ surprise (I had a few of them), and much to my great relief, the blood clot is completely gone!!! Those doctors had said it wouldn’t go away. I am eternally grateful.

Rich B.
New Jersey



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Marina Grubic of Serbia Explains Why She Chose The Vibrant Health & Wealth Academy

Marina Grubic of Serbia Explains Why She Chose The Vibrant Health & Wealth Academy Online Teacher-Counselor-Entrepreneur Program





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